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Monday, November 22, 2004

Best things ever

This is a list of my absolute favorite things in the world. That's right, an ascending list of what I love more than anything, ever. Don't bother skipping to number 1, if you've read any of my posts before this one you should already know what it is.

8. Snow Days. When you wake up at around 9:00 AM and it is bright white outside and so light in your room and you're still all warm from sleeping and you find out that it is a snow day and you don't have to go to class; probably one of the best feelings in the world.

7. Television series in which the characters become your family. IE Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the best show ever.

6. Clam Chowder, Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, Chinese food and Burger King's bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwich are all tied.

5. A really good book. Should have caused me to both laugh and cry out loud, also provoke much thought and reassesment of personal philosophy. The kind of book that you slow down as you get to the end because you really don't want it to be over.

4. When you are with people that you are comfortable enough with that you can fart in front of them and not have to make stupid jokes about it.

3. Music. The part of a totally sweet song that you're blasting really loud (or live) where the refrain/favorite part/riff kicks in and it's just absolute bliss. A good example is A Perfect Circle's Halo when the second part starts. Or that kick ass chord in Radiohead's Creep and everything just sets off.

2. Pets.

1. Tyler.


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