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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It's not stalking if you love him

So here is the dilemma. I know so much about his habits and schedule that I can generally roughly guess about where he is at any time during the day. Some times slots and days of the week are more hazy than others, but the grisly fact of the matter is that if someone tells me they spotted him somewhere (I have a rather large network of people who patronize my sickness and call me when he is sighted) I can guess where he is going or coming from with an accuracy that should be illegal. I don't try to know these things; I just retain information incredibly well. It's not like I set up stakeouts (o.k., maybe once, but that was a bad day...) or that I've hacked the school computer system and found out his schedule. I honestly just pick up any information regarding him like cat hair on a black sweater and then retain it. Forever. So my problem is that any time I want to do something, say, go study at the library, I don't know if I genuinely want to go study at the library (which I should if I had half a brain, my grades need it) or if I know that he should be passing through the quad at about 1:30 after getting out of his biology class and I would like to also be passing through the quad. Do I really spontaneously want to go downstairs to the bakery every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at about 8:30, or is it that I know he should be getting off of work and might be in the lobby in the basement?

My class schedule for next semester: he's taking Chem 2, which I'm in right now. I'm doing really poorly, but the day that I decided I should maybe retake it was also the day I found out that he should be in it next semester. That's a big freaking decision, I don't have the time or the money to retake classes unless I absolutely have to! And yet, am I doing it for me, or in the desperate desire to be near him when at all possible? I studied for 10 days, almost non-stop for the most recent chem test (this is before I had decided to retake it), and I aced all of the practice exams and had the teacher's agreement to give me a good grade in the class if I did well on the test. I thought I was going to rape this test; I was SO prepared. I got an 80%. That's a fucking low B. Why did I do so poorly on a test that I should have aced all to hell? In my defense, the class average was 60%; it was a tough test. Not in my defense, if I put off Organic Chemistry until Junior year first semester He will definitely be in it and there is only one lecture time, so we would be together in both the lecture and the recitation. I could arrange for our once weekly 5 hour lab to be together.

Somebody help me.


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