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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Jumping in the pool

SHIT! FUCK! COCK! ASS! Holy fucking shit I'm pretty sure I've just ruined my life. It's not so much that I'm juming in the pool, as I fell in. Not even fell; when racing around it like a special olympics sprinter on cocaine I slipped and mangled myself falling into the pool, grabbing desperately at everyone on the way down. Ok, so my friend J came over and was telling me that one of His friends (whom I've harassed in the past, about Him) told Him last night that I like Him. He just shrugged and laughed a little, apparently. Not surprising, since I'm sure he's been told about three dozen times now that there is some girl who really really likes him. Shit! So I call His Friend and am trying to be cool, and you know, not insane, and I say that I need his help with Him. I tell him about the concert and how he should get Him to go with friend J and I, and we should all four go together. (sorry about not using names, I'm never sure if it is appropriate.) This is hopefully aided by the fact that His Friend likes friend J. I don't know. Whatever. So I say I can get more free tickets from the radio station (lie lie lie, these are coming out of my pocket like the desperate sicko that I am) and His Friend says he'll call Him. I'm like, "wait are you serious, what? Hold on, you're calling Him?! Now?!" And His Friend is like, yeah, I'll call you back. So I'm sitting here, terrified, wanting to call every person I've ever met, and I can't because I'm waiting for His Friend to call me back. It's been a good 15 minutes now, what the fuck is taking so long?! Oh God, he is saying no. He's balking. I'm going to see him in class tomorrow! What the hell am I supposed to SAY?!? That's it. My life is over.

For those of you just tuning in, yes, I am a prepubescent boy crazy girl melodramatizing my girly crush into something life altering. If only you could hear me, I would not disappoint. I have 12 year old girl inflection down to a T.

I absolve myself of him. Wash my hands. I don't care if I ever see him again. I hope that it is awkward. The more socially painful the better in fact. Bring it on, I've probably had worse. I wore head gear in Junior High for Christ's sake.

Update: So it's been about an hour, apparently His Friend can't get ahold of Him. I told him to call me the moment he has an answer, at any time of the night. He said he wouldn't leave me hanging. Sweet boy. I'm sure he thinks I'm criminally insane. God I hope He says yes. That would be brilliant. A three hour road trip with Him. And then a sweet ass concert, and another three hour road trip back home. Kick ass. I hope he says yes. Worth the cost of three tickets; oil change; gas to Wichita. I'll get a job. Sell plasma! That's it!

Update: It's 6:pm the next day. His Friend called me and said that He is busy and can't make it. However, the reception on my phone wasn't all that good and I'm feeling some concern that they think the concert is tonight, which of course it isn't; it's next week. We'll hopefully be hanging out this weekend with His Friend, at which point we can hopefully resolve the situation. Class today was brilliant; started off maybe a little awkward (probably just to me, since he's known for a long time now) but we quickly got into the swing of casual friends and ignoring the fact that I love him. He should be taking trays tomorrow at dinner, so that should be our next meeting. Perfect situation: He asks how the concert was (under the mistaken impression that it is tonight), I say that it isn't until next week and he says in that case he would love to go. Wost case scenario: He refuses to speak to me, or spits in my face. That's probably pretty unlikely.


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