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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Liberal rant

Ok, so it has been a week and I now feel capable of talking about the election without just screaming obscenities. No, seriously, for about 36 hours the only discourse Roommate and I had was me shouting, ok here's a sample of things I shouted at her:
"George Bush is a Goddamn motherfucking idiot and so is anyone who voted for him!"
"Republicans fucking hate black people, poor people, gay people and teachers. And the environment!"
"I would rather have four years with syphilis than four more years with that asshole."
"Conservatives kick puppies."
"The environment will be here in 100 years and we won't, we have to fucking preserve it for posterity. For posterity, Shit head!"
"Don't you fucking care about people less fortunate than us? Why do you hate everyone with fewer resources than you?!"
"Goddamn Racist!"

And she was really a gem, I owe her many apologies and thanks for tolerating it and continuing to be my roommate.
But anyway, George Bush has been one of the worst things to happen to this country. Ever. Did everyone who voted for him forget that neat little bit of trivia, where he took the single largest budget surplus in the history of the United States and turned it into the single largest budget deficit? I think that warrants attention. Alright, I know all of this information is public knowledge, and so I'll just list every area in which he has screwed us over:
Foreign Policy
Domestic Policy
that sums it up nicely.
That and Kerry was in a band. He played base. That's cool. He messed around with distortion and feedback before Jimi Hendrix. Jimi fucking Hendrix! I think that alone warrants presidency. I've actually developed something of a crush on John Kerry. I think he's brilliant, and was branded the greenest senator in a long-ass time, which is laudable. And he's tall...
It would be nice if he were a little more liberal though. He's opposed to gay marriage, but at least he supports civil unions. And he's politically pro-choice and supports stem cell research which ought to be as much of a no-brainer as gay marriage. He supports alternative forms of energy besides this lifeblood called foreign oil, which is nice because I read somewhere that oil is going to run out someday. That's right; it actually won't last forever. And here in the Midwest there is a frat with a big sign out front saying "Kill the Iraqis, we want their oil!" Unbelievable.


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