Bad news
It turns out I'm still a hard core internet loser. Yeah, I thought I left it all behind in Junior high and freshman year of highschool. The endless hours of chatting with strangers online, under the moniker ananda_the_princess, no less, late into the night. The almost irresistible urge to say things like "lol" in spoken conversation. The constant frustration that I couldn't plan what I was going to say more carefully, with revisions, before hitting "enter." It was a tough time. I had very few real friends and hundreds of online communities. I was founder of half a dozen successful Yahoo! clubs, the most active member in my over 100 online communities, clubs, and groups. I had multiple webpages that were so painfully dorky that I recently deleted them (upon discovering that my mother was still giving out the address and that one of my friends here at school had found them.) Hours and hours of loving devotion and constant care and attention were paid to online pets and relationships. And then I realized that none of it was real and I just gave it all up. It wasn't even a painful realization, I just joined swim team, made some real friends, and filled up my time with swimming practice and homework. I still get e-mails daily from people with stupid questions about mice (they would know the answer if they would bother to read the damn page, why do they think I typed it all up?!), that I occasionally answer. Every now and then I'll get an e-mail from someone I was really close with, from another state, and she'll have some news about a tricolored mouse in Virginia that 4 years ago would probably have prompted either a cardiac arrest or a road trip to Virginia, and I have to remind myself that living in a dark room with a monitor is not really what I want to do. The sad thing is though, that at that time in my life, I was so passionate about everything, and so aware of the news and goings on in my chosen interests. I had fierce convictions about religion and ethics and current political issues that were backed up by memorized facts and statistics and recent findings that I could spit out (well, type) at the drop of a hat. Actual attempts to speak were usually thwarted by near-stuttering as I tried to express everything I was thinking at once.
The point is, however, that since starting this blog I have become a little too caught up in the internet shit again. If you haven't noticed, dear reader, I post multiple times a day, long posts. I have many more in draft form waiting for the day when I don't have anything to say. I suddenly have over 3 dozen pages that I visit at least 4 times a day, checking for updates. And I have joined
It is a page that as of last week, every single person at K-State has suddenly joined. I was holding out, remembering freshman year of high school, but then there was the straw that broke my back. That's right, Tyler. He's on there, and he's extra hot, and you can only see other people's profiles if you are a member yourself. So I joined after dinner tonight and I have been on there since then. That is nearly 5 hours straight. God I suck. Here's my profile anyways, enjoy Don't know if you'll be able to see it, since you're probably not signed up...
And just so you know, he added me to his friends and not the other way around, because I was way too afraid to ask him. And also, this blog (the one you're reading right now) is a secret (a rather public secret) so please do not contact Tyler on my behalf, or mention this idiotic blog in any way on thefacebook, because I'm trying to pretend like I'm cool over there. People I actually know see that profile.
The point is, however, that since starting this blog I have become a little too caught up in the internet shit again. If you haven't noticed, dear reader, I post multiple times a day, long posts. I have many more in draft form waiting for the day when I don't have anything to say. I suddenly have over 3 dozen pages that I visit at least 4 times a day, checking for updates. And I have joined
It is a page that as of last week, every single person at K-State has suddenly joined. I was holding out, remembering freshman year of high school, but then there was the straw that broke my back. That's right, Tyler. He's on there, and he's extra hot, and you can only see other people's profiles if you are a member yourself. So I joined after dinner tonight and I have been on there since then. That is nearly 5 hours straight. God I suck. Here's my profile anyways, enjoy Don't know if you'll be able to see it, since you're probably not signed up...
And just so you know, he added me to his friends and not the other way around, because I was way too afraid to ask him. And also, this blog (the one you're reading right now) is a secret (a rather public secret) so please do not contact Tyler on my behalf, or mention this idiotic blog in any way on thefacebook, because I'm trying to pretend like I'm cool over there. People I actually know see that profile.
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