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Wednesday, December 22, 2004


So I never get bored. Honestly, I entertain myself for hours and hours every day without complaint at school. I can go to the library for six hours at a time, totally engrossed in the magazines, people watching, computers, anything. But for some reason the instant I enter Omaha Nebraska, all of my self-occupying mechanisms go out the window. I've been here for...almost 5 days. I'm stuck here for nearly another month and I'm going out of my mind. Stark raving mad. Starting at around 9:00 in the evening I start looking at my watch, wondering when I can go to bed without being a total loser. Around 10:30-11:00 I'll just give in, only to wake up again around 8:00-9:00 in the morning. I'll make myself stay in bed until well after 10:00, just so I don't have to deal with the soul crushing nothingness that is my life at home. I don't even know what I did today. I think I drove Emma around a lot, maybe did some errands for mom. I eat way too much. I watch a lot of T.V. In the past couple of days I've seen the Terminal, Shrek 2, Bourne Supremacy, The Forgotten, Dodgeball, Matrix Revolutions and Napoleon Dynamite six times. We don't have cable.
Sometimes I'll go sit in my mom's office and watch her fish tank for a while.
I just made an appointment to give blood while typing this. That will be fun for an hour on Monday, and then I'll again have nothing to do. I'm going to the zoo next wednesday. I'm getting my lip pierced next Friday. Bored....

I stopped changing my clothes for a while, for I think 3 days I wore the same thing all day and then slept in it, woke up, and wore it the next day. I changed this morning because my mom was going to the grocery store and I wanted to go with her. That's right, my parents say they're going to the grocery store and I get all excited and am like, "ooh, wait for me!"

In other news, for Christmas my mom is giving my dad several styrofoam containers of red-wigglers, the bait worms. Yeah. She says he really wants them and then laughs like she's really pleased with herself. Not sure what that's about.


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