I have a fish tank!

How have I not mentioned it before! I love my fish tank, more than almost everything in my room combined! These fish are my pets and companions, my study buddies, or study-distractors. When our television was broke for several weeks, I would spend hours sitting at my desk, looking at my fish tank and listening to music.
As of right now, there aren't all that many fish in there, because I had something of a massacre when I added a sick fish a while back, and since break is coming up, I don't want to put anything new in there, only to have to take it home. I will be getting some new friends after break, though. Here is what I've got:
2 otocinclus
2 platies (one highfin male, the other a variegated female)
2 ram cichlids, a male and female
2 cory cats
2 banjo cats
2 dwarf african frogs
1 kick ass synodontis; i.e. polka dot cat!
I also have many live plants, but I don't know what they're called. I have something of an issue with algae, so it isn't at it's best and most display-ish right now. That's ok, I love it anyways!
Technical stuff, for those who are interested:
30 gallons,
Aquaclear 50 filter,
sand substrate with gravel and laterite on the very bottom
home-made hood with two 20-watt grow lights and one 20-watt full spectrum bulb, all 3 bulbs are 24" fluorescent.
I do not do water changes, or change my filtration, scold me if you must but I've got freaking rams in my tank and their doing great! I had a school of cardinals that was good, too! So boo-yah.
It should also be noted that anyone with a fish tank they actually care about should quarantine new fish before adding them to a stable tank, unfortunately this is difficult to do in a dormitory setting so I use my best judgment, which sometimes turns out to be impatient and poor judgment.
EDIT: For today's Tyler post, click here: slipping
I think that you should kill and eat them, as it's in teh MO of most bleeding heart liberals, like myself.
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