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Friday, December 17, 2004

I'm a hermit

So I went outside at around noon to take my last final today, and it was the first time I had been outside in a couple of days! It's funny how you don't notice when you just stay inside for days on end, but when there are no classes, and all of your friends live in the same building, and the dining center is connected...there just isn't any reason to leave. But, so I was getting ready to walk to this final, and I don't have any idea what the weather is like outside, as far as I'm concerned it's still subzero. So I get seriously bundled up, like, ready to go on the Iditarod bundled up, and then I get outside and it is around 65 degrees outside. Unbelievable. I was sweating by the time I got to the test, which I then promptly failed. Within the past three days I have read well over 200 pages in this textbook, because apparently those are the chapters that we are supposed to be familiar with for this test. Now, I retain information pretty damn well for reading through it once and I think that my knowledge of prehistoric hominids has literally tripled since I began studying for this test, and when I got there I was only certain about, I kid you not, 3 questions out of 50. Shit. His class average for tests hovers around 60%, and then he just slaps a bell curve on it. The problem with that is, that clearly the only people getting good grades are the ones who are luckier guessers because no one knows this material. I had been so looking forward to that class, too. Oh well, now I'm excited for next semester! Embryology and Evolution here I come!


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