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Friday, February 25, 2005

awake at last!

I've been experimenting with different concoctions in the morning to see what I could possibly do to keep myself awake in my early classes. I have no problem leaping out of bed and going to them, but once there I can't seem to stay awake. And usually I get around 10 hours of sleep, so there is no excuse. So far I've tried coffee (which I hate) and I mixed it with a ton of cream and sugar, so maybe that diluted the caffeine, I don't know. Also mountain dew, sprite, and sugary cereal. They were all failures.
Yesterday was one of the busiest days of my life and I was dead tired throughout the whole thing and I lambed, so I didn't get to go to bed until 12:30. And I woke up this morning at 7:30 and have been *wide awake* all day. I usually nap after my classes and again after lunch, but I don't think sleep would be possible when I'm this awake. Here is my cure:
This morning at breakfast I decided to try Mountain Dew code red. There was no carbonated water in it, just the straight syrup, so I got a glass of it with a dash of regular, normal mountain dew just to dilute it a little. It was like a Shirley Temple with almost no sprite, delicious. It was so good, it was off the hook. And I don't think I will ever sleep again! Pure grenadine is my no-doze and it is tasty as all hell. The only problem is I don't know how I'll convince the Derb to never put carbonation into the code red again.....


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