The Beatles are awesome. It is too easy to forget just how freaking sweet they are and take for granted that everyone loves the Beatles; but when you pop a Beatles CD in, you will be smacked in the face with just how ridiculously good they really were. Despite that, singing "All together now, (all together now!), All together now..." over and over will not win you any friends, especially if you are drunk.
Last night went a little differently that usual; I mean, I still got filthy drunk, threw up, and ate Gumby's pizza, but the timing was a little different. Usually I'll start out with around 4 shots, this gets me wasted. I then stop entirely, or wait a couple hours before drinking any more, and then we'll get Gumby's. If I throw up, it is either at the very end of the night and it results in me getting sent home, or I wait until I'm laying in bed and then realize that no sleeping will happen unless I puke. Last night I started off with at least 6 shots at around 10:30. By 11:00 I was sick as a dog, projectile vomiting everywhere. It seems that when Rachael is throwing up, everyone wants her to go somewhere. I'm in the bathroom they want me outside, I'm outside, someone's trying to get me into a car to go to another party, so then I'm puking out the window of a moving car. Just leave me alone until I'm finished! Seems like common sense, people. But then I was fine and had a good, fun, long night. We didn't even get to Gumby's until around 2:30, and I don't think I went to bed until much later.
I made out with another guy. This is becoming somewhat routine, I can't seem to keep them off the damn lipring...not that I'm trying very hard. Go figure, last semester I was some sort of leper who couldn't even get a Star Trek loser to talk to me, and now I kiss a different guy every weekend. That and I think I need to start carrying around a toothbrush because kissing someone after violently throwing up is not cool.
I aced the hell out of my first Physics test. 97%, hell yeah!
In summary: The Beatles are awesome. Throwing up doesn't have to mean the end of your night. Boys like lip rings. Gumby's pizza is the food of the Gods.
I don't know if I mentioned, I got rid of that track kid...I had my roommate pretend to be me on the phone and tell him it wasn't going to work. I'm a bitch.
Tyler quote for the day, from the Faint song Glass Danse "It's a disinterest, not that I'm a timid guy."
Last night went a little differently that usual; I mean, I still got filthy drunk, threw up, and ate Gumby's pizza, but the timing was a little different. Usually I'll start out with around 4 shots, this gets me wasted. I then stop entirely, or wait a couple hours before drinking any more, and then we'll get Gumby's. If I throw up, it is either at the very end of the night and it results in me getting sent home, or I wait until I'm laying in bed and then realize that no sleeping will happen unless I puke. Last night I started off with at least 6 shots at around 10:30. By 11:00 I was sick as a dog, projectile vomiting everywhere. It seems that when Rachael is throwing up, everyone wants her to go somewhere. I'm in the bathroom they want me outside, I'm outside, someone's trying to get me into a car to go to another party, so then I'm puking out the window of a moving car. Just leave me alone until I'm finished! Seems like common sense, people. But then I was fine and had a good, fun, long night. We didn't even get to Gumby's until around 2:30, and I don't think I went to bed until much later.
I made out with another guy. This is becoming somewhat routine, I can't seem to keep them off the damn lipring...not that I'm trying very hard. Go figure, last semester I was some sort of leper who couldn't even get a Star Trek loser to talk to me, and now I kiss a different guy every weekend. That and I think I need to start carrying around a toothbrush because kissing someone after violently throwing up is not cool.
I aced the hell out of my first Physics test. 97%, hell yeah!
In summary: The Beatles are awesome. Throwing up doesn't have to mean the end of your night. Boys like lip rings. Gumby's pizza is the food of the Gods.
I don't know if I mentioned, I got rid of that track kid...I had my roommate pretend to be me on the phone and tell him it wasn't going to work. I'm a bitch.
Tyler quote for the day, from the Faint song Glass Danse "It's a disinterest, not that I'm a timid guy."
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