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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Oh, Man

I've been alone in the house for...11 hours. And I'm already going crazy. I'm so lonely; how am I going to make it for two whole weeks! I am enjoying the freedom, my post on Xanga went something along the lines of "I make poor decisions regarding sunscreen, stand with the freezer door open because it feels good, parade around naked and eat shitty foods while watching shitty movies because I can." But that gets old...or at least the novelty wears off. Not that I'm going to put on clothes any time soon.
It'd be better if it weren't a Sunday night. I'll enjoy myself later in the week when I can just retreat into some university library and lose myself entirely in whatever I want to read about at the moment. If I find the NewScientist back issues I don't need to go home for days. I wish I didn't have all these pets/plants/mail to take care of, because I would totally see if I could camp out in libraries, public parks, whatever. The worst that could happen is ADVENTURES!
Mainly I wanted to type about myself a little bit and I feel kind of down, so I figure an anonymous outlet would be better than that dirty whore, Xanga.
Two of my wild baby rabbits died, I've only got Flora left now. She is doing fantastic, though, I think I'll actually be able to release her in a week or so. That is the first little animal I've ever succesfully raised, despite 20 years of trying. I'd say LOL, but I generally cry every time one of those damn things dies. I guess it is time to go feed that rabbit. That'll take a good five minutes. My homework is done. I could watch Clerks. I could go for a ride on my bicycle with the dog, but then I'd have to dress...
Wow I hope I never have to live alone. I can only imagine what kind of terrible eccentric I would become. An expert on something completely retarded, like gecko eye anatomy. Or worse, something that other people were interested in, like existentialism. That's becoming rather trendy. And I would just prattle on and on whenever I got any human contact, desperate for interaction, sealing my own fate.
At that point I might as well just make myself a wolf suit and make a really bad personal ad and hope that whoever responded would be so desperate that he wouldn't mind if I called him Tyler most of the time.


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