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Monday, January 31, 2005


On the way to embryology I walked past my soulmate, and for the first time in a long time, I'm not talking about Tyler! I don't know who this kid was, but I'm pretty sure we were meant to be together. I could tell because he had brown eyes and long hair and was superhot. I stared. He noticed. I'll have to be sure to look decent on Wednesday when I'm going to embryology.
Hmm, maybe I should just re-title this blog "Rachael talks about hot brown eyed boys" and leave it at that. For a brief change of pace, allow me to tell you about this couple I see all the time. I think they live in Moore, 8th floor. I've heard that the girl is a freshman and the guy is a sophomore and that they just met at the beginning of the year and then decided to graft to each other's hip. They aren't like the gross touchy-feely couple in the elevator, or the trashy couple at the derb where the guy's hand is always around the girl's waist or in her butt pocket, they are much much cuter. They are always holding hands and I never see one without the other. Well, I've seen the guy two or three times without the girl, but that was over the course of the whole year! The reason they are noteworthy, though, is because of how strikingly pretty the girl is, while the guy reminds me of nothing so much as Tarzan. The girl is just beautiful, she is tall, blonde and thin and has really pretty, delicate bone structure. Her hair is naturally blonde, btw, you can tell because she doesn't look trashy and sorority-ish. She's really fair skinned and I don't think she ever wears any makeup. The guy usually has on a baseball hat over his long hair and he has a big nose with huge, flared nostrils. He's shorter than her, and just kind of silly looking.
They walk really fast.

Signing out.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sundays I'll think about God

I've decided that on Sunday, if I'm not going to go to church, I'm going to think about God. And the reality is that Sunday mornings, if I am even fit to drive (probably not), I will have no idea where my car is, or my keys. So today I thought about God, got a lot of stuff typed out, still haven't reached any conclusions except the one obvious one:
Any religions that have strict rules, or even elaborate stories, are clearly just stories. Think about the world as we know it, and then think about various creation myths. They are stupid. And any notions about God judging people or interfering with day to day life, or moral truths taken from religious writings are all equally as false.
That is all I've come up with so far.
But then, there is also a quote from my favorite book that I just finished re-reading for the millionth time: “Be excessively reasonable and you risk throwing out the universe with the bathwater.” That's from Life of Pi, and it is really a really good book and everyone should read it because it's awesome.

Last night we had, literally here, eight separate parties to go to. We obviously didn't make all of them, but we did party hard, Andrew W.K. style. And when I say eight parties, I don't mean we had eight friends who were drinking that night, I mean full out keggers. It was brilliant. I saw Tyler's friend from Cheney who I've seen every weekend this semester, and every time he is like "You got your lip pierced? Whoa, that is so awesome!" Funny kid.

And now, for your Tyler zen of the day, a quote taken from "Tyler's friend from Cheney"'s blog. "tyler (tekay) kohler is an amazing specimen of how the human species should be. " I didn't write it, he did. So I'm obviously not the only one who sees how cool that kid is.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Shampoo, etc.

I just took a shower and used way too much shampoo. No, seriously, I used a ridiculous amount of shampoo! It frothed all over the curtain and went in my armpits. That's never happened before, and I generally use a liberal amount. The problem is that I use so much more conditioner than shampoo (your guess is as good as mine) and so now they are really uneven and so I thought I'd fix it by using just a ton of shampoo today. I can't say it was a bad idea, it was entertaining for a good 7-8 minutes.
Here is why Thursdays suck:
I have a 9:30 Physics lecture and then a single, one hour break until around 11:15, at which point I have to go to lab. I have two labs in a row. I'm in lab from 11:30 in the morning until 5:30 in the evening! So today I spent three hours cutting up blackworms into little segments and then putting them in various dilutions of pesticides to see how that will affect their regeneration. Then I spent an hour measuring blocks of wood and graphing them. (it was the first day of Physics lab, so nothing too difficult yet)
Here is why Thursdays might be awesome:
I do really enjoy the Embryology lab, the teacher is funny and we have a long ass time to just food around and do cool science. And I think I'm in love with my new Physics lab instructor. He's really not gorgeous, but he's very thin and tan. Foreign I guess, he had a strong accent although I couldn't really tell you what it was. I can't rule out anything; it might have been French, German, Spanish, Russian, I don't know! I am terrible with accents. I guess I don't really think it was a British accent. He looked Italian or maybe middle Eastern. Tan with brown eyes, ok. And he spelled "Completeness" "Complitness" which I like. I think that is a better spelling, it seems prettier.

That's it from me for now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Amish guy

So there's this guy on campus that I see occasionally and I had just assumed he was Amish. He wears all black and has a funny hat and a big beard and a big ol' cross necklace right in the middle of his chest. So I had figured, Amish. That may or may not be a fair assumption, but it is something that I do. Sue me. But today in Physics recitation (God help me that class is boring) I was sitting looking out the door, watching people walk by. Actually I was in the back of the room with headphones on, doing the crossword and people watching. Not exactly paying attention. Anyway, the Amish guy walks by and he has an iPod! What the hey? Amish can't have iPods, can they?
How would an Amish go to college anyways... All of the teachers use the internet. They would really be at a disadvantage!
If I were going to be Amish, I wouldn't have stopped the clock right before electricity. I would have stopped it before the Agricultural revolution. I think that when I turn Amish, I'll go live in a cave and be a mountain person for a few years. I might do that anyway, without even turning Amish. Now I just need a mountain-man boy who wants to live in the woods and kill things so I can skin them. Gosh that would be so much fun!

In other news, I'm tired of the track boy. He's dumb as a rock and doesn't have any sense of humor. He also is surprisingly cheap for someone with two jobs. And he keeps his condoms in his wallet. Hasn't everyone learned since 4th grade that condoms kept in wallets aren't suitable as protection?! Jeeze! How does he think Ross and Rachel got pregnant. Idiot. He actually asked me what an apocalypse is. I shouldn't be mean. He does continue to be really hot, and old enough to buy alcohol for us. And he brought chocolate pie from Village Inn for us to eat once. That alone makes him a cool guy.

Finally, I have thought about Tyler no more than a grand total of...I'd say less than 1-2 hours today. And that was about the average for the past couple of days as well. This is an all time low. I'm getting better!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Boy problems?

Me? Preposterous! Not enough boys speak to me for me to have actual drama, right? Well here's the issue. There's the new track kid, who is really sweet and he still apparently likes me a lot and calls me constantly. I'm planning on keeping him around for a while. Then there is my hot Harry Potter friend who I've been friends with since last year who just got kicked out of K-state but will be back soon and we talk online and on the phone a lot. Nothing has really been said, but we're good friends and sometimes when he's drunk he hints that he might like me. But the kid is an asshole with girls, he doesn't have any idea how to have a girlfriend or even date, flirt, anything. But he's hot and a really good friend who has a great sense of humor. And he's coming up to visit next weekend, and we're both really really excited. He said we'll smoke weed together (I've never really smoked before so I'm excited) and just hang out all weekend. So what do I tell track boy? "Hey, let's not hang out this weekend, I'll see you later!" Harry Potter kid gets upset when a girl he likes even goes to a frat party, so I'd just as soon not bring up that I'm kind of seeing someone.
Aaah! I'm a heinous bitch, trying to keep my better options open while toying with a goodhearted dumb kid. Sad.

It should be noted that all of this is going on while I'm still, for all intents and purposes, insanely in love with Tyler. Emphasis on the insane.

Also today in my evolution class there was a new boy who was really cute. He looked like the old tall-sig-ep boy (who got booted with a GPA of .2. I've had a higher blood alcohol level than that!) except he had long hair and glasses and looked dorkier. With a little bit too-tight jeans, but not in the cool hipster way, and they weren't quite long enough and he had on huge sneakers. He was really cute.

I love boys.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


So this weekend was brilliant.
Friday night we went to Colorado street and there were tons and tons of people that I knew or recognized, which always makes for a fun time. Unfortunately, there were tons and tons of people, which made for a tough crowd to get through. Basically the time we spent there we spent migrating from the keg back to the corner, maybe two or three times. The trip took that long. I peed outside for the first time, that was fun. There was just no way we were getting to the bathroom in time, you know how when you're drunk it sneaks up on you and then all of a sudden, "I have to PEE!" so outside was the best option at the time. Tyler was there. I talked to him briefly and then hid for the rest of the night, hating him. Some kids got in a fight, that was funny. I don't think I've mentioned this boy before, last year I lived on the third floor and I would watch the boys play basketball in the courtyard. Every day, they were really good looking and I gave them nicknames and became imaginary friends with them. Anyways, one of the "teams" was from the 7th floor (part of the reason I live on the 7th floor this year) and there was this really cute, short boy who could play basketball better than anyone ever. I called him John Mayer, and he was at the party and I talked to him! A lot! On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we have a class in the same building at both 8:30 and 9:30. Fun.
Track kid has called every day since we met, still seems like a nice kid who is really really hot. I don't know. We're hanging out tonight I think.
Saturday was even better than Friday, probably due to my even higher level of intoxication. The party was actually not as good, but then we went to Gumby's and I really believe that Gumby's big-ass cheese pizza at 2:00 AM when you're filthy drunk is the best possible tasting food that exists. I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember raving about that damn pizza. Probably to excess. Probably I pissed everyone off. Ended up back at the dorms eventually. We rode in a van! Yeah! And there is a calendar page sitting on my desk, one of those "born after this date? NO TOBACCO." that they have in gas stations. I think I remember that they let me tear it off and then keep it. It was cool-Jake's birthday. 7 ft tall friend gave me a piggy back ride.
Roommate tried to put me to bed but I insisted that I would throw up if I closed my eyes so she sent me down to the third floor where I entertained friends from last year and ate shelled peanuts. I think some kid just came in with a huge bag of peanuts, like at least 3 gallons of peanuts, and we ate them. That was a good time.

This has been a long-rambling post. To be honest, I might still not be entirely sober, so I'll blame it on that. Apologies for not updating more frequently; I have a suspicion that may or may not be reasonable, that my parents read this.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Kissing the lipless

That's not really what this post is about; I have lips. Really I wanted to say that my lip ring is now healed enough that kissing is a good time. Kissing with a lip ring is different and good. I wonder what it is like to kiss someone else who has a lip ring.
Um, I met a boy. He's nice. Kind of quiet...well, I hope it is just that he is kind of quiet and not that he is dumb as a rock. I think I like him. I'll tell you what I do like, and that is his beautiful stomach. The boy runs track and has a body. A body that is hot. Brown eyes, cute smile. Nice.
I brought a snail with me from home, I had thought that there was nothing left alive in this tank in my room. It has just been sitting there vacant, evaporating, for about a year, and then over break I was in my room and I saw this snail walking around in there and I was like "Holy cow!" So he came back to the dorms with me and is now eating all of my plants. So now he has to go. My tank is a mess. And my filter has started making a loud noise. Argh.
Classes seem like they are going to be really really hard.
I am going to a concert back in Omaha tomorrow, Something Corporate. I'm really looking forward to it, should be good. I miss that about Omaha, all of the concerts. The concerts here pretty much suck.
I'm sorry about my angsty, stupid Tyler post. It had been a really rough day. I finally saw him at dinner and he was hot. He doesn't remember New Years any more than I do, so I guess I don't need to worry that I did something dumb.
Maybe new-boy will help me get over Tyler?

Friday, January 14, 2005

I love him, I hate him, I hate me

A pretty succinct appraisal of my constant mental state. The ridiculous thing of course is that I haven't even laid eyes on the boy in over a month. Well, I've heard that I talked to him, fuck, supposedly I touched him on New Years. And I don't remember a thing. I have dreams about him that are less foggy than that night, so as far as I'm concerned it doesn't count. I have not seen his gorgeous presence in over a month and still at least %70 of my thoughts center on him. Will he be taking trays at this meal? Will he be walking to class at the same time as me?
Things that I've found out since the last time I posted anything.
*The CD I bought, Surphace, they're a band from Wichita that are pretty good. Tyler did the cover art on their CD. I didn't even know that when I bought the damn thing.
*One of his friends on facebook, a different Tyler from Cheney, in his "about me" section he says "I know Tekay on a higher level than you."
*One of his roomates made the mistake of posting some goofy webpage for him and his friends and Tyler is on there, so I've scoured the whole thing and found more pictures of him and a cute little profile that he wrote himself.
*There is a new club on Facebook called the "I know Tyler Kohler(Tekay) Klub". It is invitation only to join it.
*He changed his facebook profile picture to something so hideous that it makes me want to cry. I'm really really concerned that it might be his senior picture, but the length of his hair and the roots present suggest to me that it was taken around Christmas break last year, when he was a freshman in college. The background has been computer edited which I would assume he is capable of doing himself (despite the fact that it looks dumb) but the angle of the camera shows that someone else had to have taken it and they had to have been high up, on a ladder or something. Also it seems like it was taken with a special lense, which might also be computer editing. I don't know, it just looks bad.

I hate this. I don't think I've made any progress at all in getting over him.

My new Embryology teacher isn't helping anything either. He is exactly like Tyler, he even says the same goofy things. He gets all excited about biology and wears these dorky sandals with socks. In 10 degree weather. He's got to be old, at least 50, but I really like him. Today in class he was going off about the first couple of divisions of a fertilized frog embryo and he asked a rhetorical question and then shouts, "Heck no! Differentiation has nothing to do with different genetic material in specialized adult cells!" He's so funny. Heck. Who says that?

Four people I would marry immediately if they asked me:
Ken Jennings
New Embryology teacher
Justin Williams (the 7 foot tall kid who plays basketball at k-state. Just because he's so freaking tall)

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Cooking in college

I've gathered a few recipes for your enjoyment. This is what I live off of, when I'm at home at least. Omaha home that is. Manhattan home has the Derby dining center so I don't have to fend for myself.
Cereal Salad:
Put all of your favorite cereals into one bowl. Don't add milk unless the flavors compliment each other. As a general rule, don't mix fruity with chocolatey and eat any marshmellows first. My only recommendation for cereals that you can mix and still add milk to is Cracklin' Oat Bran with Cinnimon Toast Crunch with a dash of Golden Grahams. Don't get carried away with the Golden Grahams.

Graham Cracker sticks, mini marshmellows, and M&Ms. Just toss a few of each into your mouth and chew.

Ice Cream:
All you need is a gallon of vanilla ice cream and if you add pudding mix or hot chocolate mix you can stir it up and it's chocolate. Try adding peanut butter, jello mixes, cereal, marshmellows, etc. for more tasty combinations. The jello should usually go alone, it has a more sherbet-y taste.

Lunch, Dinner:
Take something out of the fridge. Add ranch liberally. Enjoy!

It should be noted that surprisingly enough, ranch does not go well with pretzels or popcorn. I know, it shocked the hell out of me too. Also, baking chocolate is NOT chocolate. I don't know what the hell that stuff is, but it doesn't make chocolate milk so don't even try it.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The universe is conspiring against me

So despite my best efforts to get over Tyler, everything keeps reminding me of him. Besides the usual, subtle, "that song describes my feelings well." or "Remember that hot thing he said" there are just blatant, flat out, "Think about Tyler now!" kind of things. Here are four examples from the past week or so:
I was reading an article about this insane, brilliant, formerly homeless and now dead artist who lived in the Sandhills of Nebraska and made these awesome and intricate sculptures. Filled his barn with them, called them healing machines and everyone thought was crazy as a loon. He spent thirty years and made hundreds or these wire pieces which have recently been purchased in their entirety by the *Kohler *art institute. That's Tyler's last name, btw; I had avoided mentioning it before now. The artist was Emery Blagart.
I watched Fight Club and one of the main characters, the hot one who was kind of crazy but really brilliant and had all of these cool life philosophies, his name was *Tyler*. He was Brad Pitt, who I don't really think is all that hot, but he had an unbelievable body.
I read an article on Fark today about a kid who wrote to a toilet company and asked them to make him a clear toilet so he could see how it worked. *Kohler* plumbing.
Here's the link to that.
Watching King of Queens today, I love that show, and they met a cool couple that they really loved who were the *Kohlers*. The whole episode was them trying to find these cool people and call them to hang out.

So yeah. Universe is conspiring. That and when I went to manhattan for New Years, I wasn't expecting or even wanting to see him at all and out of the thousands of people who were in Aggieville we bumped into HIM?! What the hell.


I just went to the bathroom (nearly 8:00 PM) and realized that my underwear are on inside out. Now, I put these on in the dark last night, so it is plausible that I didn't notice at the time because my room has an average temperature hovering around 20 degrees. So I change faster than the speed of light. But I've gone to the bathroom at least 3-4 times so far today and I'm just now noticing that my underwear is inside out? I must be out of it.

Facial piercings

I got my lip pierced and it is brilliant! I love it so much, and it didn't even hurt as bad as I thought it might. I also cannot drink at all without dribbling and slurping, as the ring is right in the middle of my lip.
Immediately after the piercing I threw some t-shirts into a backpack and drove 3 hours back to Manhattan for several days of drinking and exceptionally poor hygeine. It was awesome. From Friday lunch until Monday afternoon I didn't brush my teeth, face, hair, or anything or change my pants. I wore them all day, every day, and slept in them. Also puked in them. Friday night I saw Tyler (he likes the ring, or so I've heard), puked in the street, was harassed by a cop, made out at midnight, found a cell phone and called many numbers in order to return it to its owner, and then told a kid from one of my classes that I had been reading his Xanga and I thought we should be friends. In about that order. Yeah, kissing after puking, gross. Let me relate the cop incident, the way it has been told to me (I remember nothing) I've been told I seemed very calm and confident.
Me: (puking in the street) blah blah
Cop: quick, when is your birthday?
Me: February 15th 1985.
Cop: so you're not 21...
Me: yes I am.
Cop: what year were you born in?
Me: 1985.
Cop: Can I see your license?
Me: It is in my car, which I will NOT be driving tonight.
Cop: Somebody take this girl home.
And that was it. I don't remember talking to Tyler either, but I'm pretty sure he said the ring was cute. And he introduced his kissing buddy and I don't think I flew into a rage and ripped her face off, so I guess I really am getting over him! Whoo!

Sunday night we went to Lawrence for a concert and I saw a couple of cute boys. Now let me relate to you the problem of cute boys who are at a concert in Lawrence. These boys are trendy-indie boys, not normal Tyler-esque boys. That means they are very hot and well dressed, and very aware of it. The first one I spotted was really cute, very very thin, but it turned out he was gay (Gay, or indie? That is a game that we play). The second one I thought had a face like a god, but he was wearing Abercrombie girl pants. They looked good, but...come on! I like my boys to be a little more guy-ish. Or at least not in girl pants. Stupid Lawrence hipsters.

We then spent the night at my roommate's permanent home; all 7 of us having a slumber party. It was so much fun and her parents were incredible. We walk in at midnight and they have popcorn, pizza, cookies, and little smokies all laid out for us. They bought special pop for our diabetic friend. While we were watching Anchorman (SO funny) they brought down mixed nuts, a tray of chocolate, and then crackers with cheese and summer sausage. When we woke up the next morning they had doughnuts and cereal and juice and milk. It was incredible. Delightful really.

Monday, on the way back to Omaha from our weekend it was blizzarding and schools had been cancelled and so I was driving really carefully. Nontheless, we took an exit and started spinning all the hell over the place, almost hit 2 signs and ended up pointing into a ditch. Fortunately a salt truck came by and got us out. We laughed nervously and joked about what the paper would have said if we had died. We said how sorry my mom would have been for yelling at me about the lip ring. We will from now on refer to it as the day we almost died. "Hey, do remember the time we almost died?" "Yeah, that was so scary!" "To the max!"

My weekend kicked ass. As does my new lip ring.
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